How does HIVERY’s approach to clustering incorporate economic concepts such as transferable demand into the model?

How does HIVERY’s approach to clustering incorporate economic concepts such as transferable demand into the model?

May 12, 2021 | By Coresight

The age of precision category management is upon us. Effective assortment and space localization can be a very challenging task for CPG companies and retailers, but if done right with the right methods, the incremental value generated is significant. Whether they are using a cluster approach or not, the ability for retailers and CPG companies to leverage store-level data in new ways opens up new opportunities to have the right product assortment to meet shopper demand across any store.

You can watch the full recorded session with Deborah WeinswigCEO & Founder of Coresight Research, with HIVERY’s VP, Client Services, NASteve Weir, and Director of Customer Success, Zach Simpson, in which they discussed the significant incremental value to retailers and CPG companies in optimizing assortment at the store level using advanced technologies in machine learning (ML) and data science (DS).

In this on-demand mini-webinar, we cut to the question:

How does HIVERY’s approach to clustering incorporate economic concepts such as transferable demand into the model?

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